Repaint History Call For Art ** Winter Edition **

About the Call:
The Fund: The starting prize in the amount of $4,125 CAD (increased from $2,500) in partnership with Art Girl Rising will be shared between 6 or more artists (min. $625 per artist). To maximize the number of recipients and the size of the fund, 20% of each application fee will be contributed towards the total prize money.
Exhibit and Sell your work: The first 15 shortlisted artists will have an opportunity to exhibit and sell their work via Subject Matter online art gallery. ***Please note, Repaint History and Art Girl Rising do not take any fee from the sales of the work. Subject Matter will receive a 10% admin fee once the work of the artist has been sold***
Free Workshop: ALL applicants who have applied for the call are invited and enrolled for a free workshop provided by Subject Matter on "Don't Be Scared of Your Artist Statement".
Get Featured: Selected artists for the fund will be interviewed and featured as part of our popular "Artists We Love" series. In addition, the shortlisted 15 artists will all be profiled on both Art Girl Rising and Repaint History social media platforms.
Eligibility: Artists from across the globe are welcome to apply to this fund with works in any of the following medium: painting, mixed media, sculpture, photography, printmaking and more. No specific education is required.
Application: To apply, submit your application form below. Make sure to include a link to your portfolio, your website, and social media accounts where you display and promote your work. The submissions will be evaluated by an international jury of curators, who will make the decision on the recipients of the fund. Learn more about our guest curators below.
Submission deadline: December 19th, 2021
Announcement of the recipients: January 28th- February 7th (Exact date to be announced)
Application fee: $25 CAD (Approx $19 US)
*Only one submission per artist*
Meet Our Guest Curators:
Kitty Dinshaw
Kitty Dinshaw has been the co-curator and artist director of Subject Matter, after joining the business in 2015. Subject Matter is an online platform which sells the work of emerging artists, with a strong focus on female artists in particular and clear messaging around transparency and fairness for both clients and artists. Kitty has worked with artists from around the world creating compelling and thought provoking exhibitions, both IRL and online. She co-founded a professional practice programme with the world number one art school, London's Royal College of Art, to educate art students on building a sustainable art career. She has also spoken about the responsibilities of representing artists at Sotheby’s Institute and Christie's Education, and on several podcasts and webinars.
Liezel Strauss
Liezel is the founder of ArtGirlRising and the co-founder of Subject Matter. She has spoken widely on the importance of inclusion and equality in the arts globally and created projects to support the cause over the last decade. Liezel co-founded Subject Matter one of the the first online art galleries in 2011 and in 2018 she launched ArtGirlRising in support of female artists. In 2019 Liezel was chosen to be 1 of 9 innovators to represent the UN Women 'Impossible to Ignore' campaign and she was named one of the UN Women's top 100 female innovators worldwide. In 2020 Liezel co-founded Where Are The Women Artists? A database and open directory for women artists. At the moment Liezel is working with Repaint History and 7 other art organisations on FairArt2030 a pledge project for museums and galleries, to address gender equality and race representation by 2030 in keeping with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG’). The project pre-launched last week.
Pegah Kargar